
1. 試著利用 Google Font 載入並設定一種字型。使用下面這段文字做練習:

"Are you ready for a commercial? They gonna sell you stu-u-u-u-uff! There'll be one for cars, there'll be one for beer! You know you want to run out and buy them! So don't change the channel, everything's alright! All my rowdy friends are here on Saturday Night!"

google font: https://fonts.google.com/

2. 利用 span 標籤切出數段文字,分別給與「紅色」、「粗體」、「斜體」、「放大」、「黑底白字」、「底線」、「對齊」等效果,例如:

"Are you ready for a commercial?

They gonna sell you stu-u-u-u-uff!

There'll be one for cars, there'll be one for beer!

You know you want to run out and buy them!

So don't change the channel, everything's alright!

All my rowdy friends are here on Saturday Night!"


New Media Techniques and Design